
Tuesday, 20 June 2023

Proposed Master Roster revamp for Sydney South Region

Life Without Barriers (LWB) advised the CPSU NSW last week of plans to commence consultation with staff on changes to the Master Roster across Sydney South Region. This is similar in approach to the process undertaken with the Sydney South East Region.

LWB advised us it has sent out information via email and set up town hall MS Teams meetings. LWB will also arrange individual consultative meetings with affected staff.

You can read the previous bulletins HERE and HERE.

The changes to rostering are based on client funding and the roster of care (ROC) for the client, and compliance with the SCHADS Award.

The process is to make the proposed changes in a Draft Master Roster available to staff in the house who can raise their issues as part of the consultative process. As part of consultation around Master Rosters, there will be the opportunity for staff to have individual meetings with their DSL, and if  required with the ROM and P&C  and with a support person, which can be  a union representative.

Casuals are not included in the Master Roster. However, casuals will be given the opportunity to apply to be made permanent. Part-time staff can also request a change or an increase in their hours.

The union raised issues previously in relation to staff who have current arrangements such as caring responsibilities, secondary employment, study or other personal commitments that all need to be considered with any changes to the Master Roster.

LWB said it can raise those issues as part of the consultation process, and we encourage members to raise their views with LWB Management, DSL and ROM and seek advice from our union.

There are timeframes for consultation and feedback, and LWB has indicated the Master Roster implementation date of 31 July 2023 for Sydney South Region.

LWB hasn’t advised dates to the CPSU NSW for review of Master Rosters for the Nepean and Central Coast Regions. However, we suspect that will commence after Sydney South in August 2023.

For further information contact our Member Support Centre on 1800 772 679 and ask to speak with one of our Disability Services team.