
Tuesday, 19 March 2024

State-wide meeting for members in Life Without Barriers

The CPSU NSW is aware of several recent changes in Life Without Barriers (LWB) workplaces across NSW.

This meeting is an opportunity for members to discuss their industrial issues with the union and share experiences with one another. Matters that have arisen lately include,  the DSL structure one year after implementation, transition from CLA to the SCHADs award and master rosters changes on the Central Coast.

Members are encouraged to quiz the union about their entitlements under legislation or the Award, including work health and safety issues.

There will be two sessions available on Wednesday 27 March 2024. 

Meeting one

9:00am-9:30am (if need be it can go for up to an hour) via Ms Teams

Join the meeting here

Meeting ID 459 087 571 265
Passcode V4fDQB

Meeting two

4:15pm-5:00pm (if need be it can go for up to an hour) via Ms Teams

Join the meeting here

Meeting ID 480 230 469 790
Passcode CjYCM8

Your Industrial Officer and your Metro and Regional Organisers will be in attendance.

This is a members-only meeting. Feel free to pass on THIS LINK to any non-members.

If you are unable to attend either of these sessions you can send us an email with the subject line state-wide meeting.

We look forward to seeing you there.