
Monday, 10 July 2023

Proposed Master Roster for Sydney South Region

LWB advised of the commencement of the consultation processes for master roster changes across Sydney South Region on 14 July 2023. LWB advised they have sent out information via email and set up town hall MS Teams meetings, and arranged individual consultative meetings with affected staff.

The changes to rostering are based on client funding and the roster of care (ROC) for the client, and compliance with the SCHADs Award.

The process is to make the proposed roster changes in a Draft Master Roster available to staff in the house to raise their issues as part of the consultative process. As part of consultation around Master rosters, LWB advised of the opportunity for staff to have individual meetings with their DSL, and if  required with the ROM and P&C  and with a support person, which can be  a union representative.

The union met with LWB representatives Kylie Moffit and Rodney Kite on Friday 7 July 2023 to raise issues with the consultation process. The union has encouraged members to put their concerns in writing to the DSL and the ROM as part of the consultation process. Members should request further consultation meetings regarding their unresolved rostering issues.

LWB has requested you email Rodney Kite, no later than COB Monday 10 July 2023. Please advise the union of the communication by email to . The union has requested LWB extend the consultation process to allow you to raise your issues by email  and request a meeting with a support person.

Members do not have to agree to change their contract hours of work. In relation to staff who have current arrangements such as caring responsibilities, secondary employment, study or other personal commitments that needs to be considered with any changes to the Master roster.

LWB said they can raise those issues as part of the consultation process, and we encourage members to raise their views with LWB Management, DSL and ROM and seek advice from union.

LWB have advised on the timeframes for consultation and feedback the Master Roster with the implementation date of 31 July 2023 for Sydney South Region.

Link to previous bulletin

Proposed Master Roster revamp for Sydney South Region