The time has finally arrived to start taking protected industrial action.
This afternoon, the union advised Serco of a number of actions that union members will be taking, starting from next week. We have attached to this bulletin the notices sent to Serco for your information. You can read them HERE and HERE.
Starting at 12:01am on 22 September and continuing until 12:01am on 12 October 2022, the following will be in place:
From 12:01am on 22 September through until 12:01am on 23 September 2022 (24 hours), the following will be in place:
On Monday, the union will send out a weekly calendar containing the types of industrial action that we will be taking for the remainder of that week. Moving forward, you will receive a weekly calendar at the beginning of each week in addition to a text in the morning to remind you what actions are being taken on that day.
The union will be on-site next Friday (23 September 2022) for a one-hour stop work meeting to talk about what will be happening over the next month. We look forward to seeing you there!
It is important to remember this is where our solidarity and collective strength matters most. Industrial action is not always an easy thing to take part in, but it is an important and necessary step that we must take in our fight against companies such as Serco that believe that they’re not obligated to offer you anything more than the bare minimum.
It is not too late to get involved for those who are not a member of the union. You can join the union and therefore join the fight by signing up HERE.
We will be contactable, day or night, should you need anything or have any questions. You can get in touch by emailing , , or . Alternatively, you can call the CPSU NSW on 1300 772 679.