The CPSU NSW has provided you with information over recent days about the pitfalls and shortcomings of Serco’s proposed agreement over the last few days – including rostering, allowances and leave. You can see these Bulletins in the below links
Website |
Emails |
Bulletin 1 | Email 1 |
Bulletin 2 | Email 2 |
Bulletin 3 | Email 3 |
But there is one reason that stands above all others that should influence your decision – your fortnightly salary – and it is an issue where there is sadly little new to say.
You know already that Serco short changed you in wages when you were engaged. Many of you have told us how you were promised lucrative annual salaries of $65K and more, only to be lowballed on the Federal modern award minimum rate for your industry of $24.21 per hour.
You know already that this rate is so low that no other Correctional Centre in the country uses it.
You know already this rate is significantly lower than what Serco pay their other employees in the same industry interstate.
You know already that this hourly rate is pitiful, leaving you dependent of excessive overtime just to make ends meet.
You know already that Serco cannot attract or retain enough staff by offering this current measly wage to fill its roster.
You know already that Serco have offered a bump of just $2.67 to $26.88 per hour which would leave you by the CPSU NSW’s calculations that have yet to be challenged, as the second lowest paid in your profession in the country.
You know already that Clarence Correctional Centre has met its KPIs in its first year of operation on account of your hard work.
And you know already you work for one of the wealthiest companies in the world, valued at eight billion pounds on the London Stock Exchange, with reports estimating the Clarence Correctional Centre contract alone being worth AUD2.6B over the next twenty years.
But what you may not know is that there is a solution. Your vote.
As powerful as Serco is, they need you.
They need your skills, your experience and your labour.
And when we stand together you form a force that even the wealth of Serco cannot stare down.
Don’t let them pocket the profits from Clarence any longer. Don’t let them deny you a reasonable living wage and employment conditions. Don’t let them pay you less than any other worker in the industry.
Today join your colleagues and vote NO to Serco’s disgraceful first offer. Return us to the bargaining table, join us in industrial action and lets achieve something better.
Because you are worth it.