
Tuesday, 13 July 2021

Why you should reject this offer and Vote No

PDF Version

The CPSU NSW is strongly urging all members to vote NO to the proposed agreement Serco are

offering from Wednesday 14 July 2021.

Serco are telling you it is a fair offer and their last and only offer. The CPSU NSW says it is neither. This is the third Bulletin in a series that details the shortcomings of Serco’s proposal – you can find

the previous Bulletins part 1 and part 2


As if your work wasn’t difficult enough, the demands of shiftwork make it all the more taxing.

There are the long hours, the travel, the nights, the changes at late notice, the juggling of family

responsibilities and the exhaustion……

Whilst your wages must be an obvious primary concern, in your Union’s experience a bad roster cannot be compensated for. It is why we sought for some basic rostering rights to be included in the agreement which would then be enforceable.

Now Serco wants to remove the loading, and by doing so will remove the incentive and the roster pressure will fall on everyone.

Another example of Serco not listening to anyone but their shareholders.

Things like :

  • detailing the number of breaks and how long they are in each roster cycle
  • minimum turnarounds when switching from day to night shift or back again
  • maximum number of successive shifts that can be worked
  • access to leave at short notice and,
  • a union-backed committee that assesses and negotiates roster changes and issues during the term of the agreement.

They are little measures that make your working life just a little more manageable, and bear no cost to the company.

Serco’s response? An underwhelming no. Instead of incorporating your ideas and negotiating clauses that provide you rights, they made up rules by themselves that only serve themselves.



An agreement that the company has designed with NO rostering protections for you? That deserves a NO vote from you on Wednesday!

Let’s stand together and get rid of this demeaning proposal, and fight for something better!

VIDEO – Vote NO to the proposed EBA

Vote NO to the proposed EBA – to get back to the bargaining table to make sure workers at the

Clarence Correctional Centre are given a fair go! – see video

Podcast – Vote No

How does Serco make a profit at Clarence

Correction Centre?

Listen to the podcast to get an insight