
Wednesday, 5 August 2020

NSWALC management pushes for major staff concessions on employment conditions

Concessions Push – Aug 2020 (PDF version)

The NSW Aboriginal Land Council has presented the CPSU NSW and employee bargaining representatives with a suite of proposals that, if implemented, would result in sweeping changes to staff employment conditions.

The NSWALC proposals include:

  • Moving to a 38-hour week, expanding core hours and reducing bandwidth
  • Reducing access to Flex Time
  • Reducing annual leave for remote area staff
  • Abolishing access to overtime payments for staff on level 10 and above
  • Abolishing extended leave entitlements for long serving staff
  • Combining and reducing Sick Leave and Family/Carers Leave from a total of 20 days to 10 days.

Also of concern is the Council’s refusal to provide tracked changes (or a table comparing current and proposed changes), to enable staff representative to easily compare existing arrangements with those proposed by NSWALC. This approach appears designed to make the bargaining process opaque and as difficult as possible for staff to quantify the changes being sought by their employer.

In contrast to the whole scale changes sought by NSWALC, the CPSU NSW has focused on relatively modest improvements to pay and an emphasis on job security, superannuation and enhanced cultural leave as key bargaining priorities. We have also responded to NSWALC’s claims by seeking to reincorporate existing conditions. Click HERE for a copy of our core bargaining claims, and HERE for our initial responses to NSWALC’s proposals.

While the parties have only met on three occasions, and we remain hopeful that NSWALC’s initial position includes substantial ambit and posturing, we are concerned by the breadth of the Council’s agenda.

We have expressed these concerns during bargaining and have separately advised the independent staff representatives that should NSWALC maintain its current approach we anticipate highly adversarial negotiations, litigation and the strong likelihood of industrial action.

To keep you updated the CPSU NSW has been sharing NSWALC’s proposals as they are given to us. If you haven’t been receiving them, if you have missed one, or for further information on bargaining please get in touch with our union organiser Kirra Jackson – or 0438 416 615.

In order to get the best possible outcome in contested negotiations, it is critical we get active, we talk to each other and we grow our union. If you know someone who is not yet a member, ask them to join – membership is strength!!

The only way to win is by being smart, united, vocal and tough.

Your contacts for NSWALC

Diane Lee Delegate, Bargaining Representative –

Shannon Field Bargaining Representative –

Peter Lalor Bargaining Representative –

Stu Jordan Bargaining Representative –

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United We Bargain, Divided We Beg!