
Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Union concerns with personal device usage and the MYGovID process: UPDATE

Union concerns with personal device usage and the MYGovID process UPDATE – March 2020 (pdf version)

This bulletin is a further update to members since our 18 March bulletin HERE in which the CPSU NSW threatened TAFE with industrial disputation due to its delay in providing an official response to our MyGov ID concerns.

On Thursday 19 March TAFE responded with the following:

(a)TAFE NSW understands that the challenge in relation to accessing the MyGov ID app is a challenge across many public sector agencies – Federal and State level who need to access specific government databases. These concerns have been raised with the relevant Commonwealth Government Department.

(b)        As an interim measure, where an employee is required to access the MyGov ID and does not have access to a smart phone, and are not comfortable to utilise their personal mobile phone, whilst accessing the TAFE NSW WiFi, the task will be reallocated to another employee who is able to access MyGov ID.

(c)        TAFE NSW is currently working with the Regions to validate the number of employees who require access to MyGov ID.

(d)        Student Services is currently working with our IT department to develop a process to have smart phones issued, where possible, to employees who require access to MyGov ID.

It is a positive development that TAFE has agreed to implement (b) and (d), in particular.

On Monday 23 March the Union wrote back requesting that TAFE, as a matter of urgency, issue a memo to all affected staff and managers clearly stating these two points:

(a)        All employees are entitled to not use their personal smart phones is they so choose. This is current TAFE policy.

(b)        Student Services is currently working with our IT department to develop a process to have smart phones issued, where possible, to employees who require access to MyGov ID.

This request was made because CPSU NSW members are being given some but not all of this information by their managers.  The union is of the view that:

  • These two points need to be communicated to all managers by TAFE
  • that it is an individual staff member’s choice as to whether they use their personal device at this stage
  • That this is TAFE policy; and
  • that no repercussions will follow from any individual staff member exercising that entitlement.

To date, your union has not received a response from TAFE Industrial Relations, despite numerous attempts to contact them.

In the meantime, the CPSU NSW stands firm against the use of personal smart phones for any work purpose.

If you are having any difficulties, please contact the Member Support Centre and quote #128 347.

Join your union!

Members – please consider forwarding this bulletin to non-member colleagues, placing it in notice boards and distributing in your workplace.

Your CPSU NSW delegates

South Region

Brad Cowie – Wollongong

Regina Kimmich – Illawarra

Chris Pickering – Illawarra

Christopher Hobbins – Albury

West Region

Leanne Riley – Parkes

Patricia Nethery – Dubbo

North Region

Gale Iseppi – Hunter

Liz Garlick – Tighes Hill

Stephen O’Brien – Newcastle

Brook Down – Coffs Harbour

Walter Upson – North

Sydney Region
Dawn Davis – Ultimo

George Bissoli – Ultimo

Simon Gray – Ultimo

Joe Harris – St Leonards

Patrick Kiss – Hornsby

Western Sydney Region

Tracey Doyle – Campbelltown

Joanna Carroll – Richmond

Glenda Pryor – Blue Mountains

Isabella Ramirra – Strathfield

TAFE Digital

Jin Cho