Office of the National Rail Safety Regulator – Enterprise agreement – November 2016 (PDF version)
Dear Members,
You would be aware the PSA committed to provide a comparative analysis of the ONRSR Enterprise Agreement and the ITSR 2106 Award.
The PSA is providing this detail to members in order to provide a clear understanding of the ONRSR offer. To find the comparison table click HERE.
This material – and further meetings to discuss the proposal – will provide members with an understanding of whether to accept or decline the ONRSR offer, or continue on the ‘copied state Award’.
As outlined in the meeting of 18 October, and as part of your union’s democratic processes, PSA members will be asked to vote on whether to accept the ONRSR offer or to seek to apply the Crown Employees (ITSR) Award 2016, as a copied state instrument.
It is important members read this material in conjunction with the particulars set down in the ONRSR offer, as the comparison table only reflects the differences in the ONRSR Enterprise Agreement and ITSR Award.
It is important to note this does not answer all of the questions staff might have with respect to the transition to ONRSR. The PSA will establish an ‘Issues Register’, outlining all of the current outstanding issues, in order for members to fully understand the transfer process and the entitlements moving forward.
You can put your questions to your workplace delegates or to the PSA Industrial Advocate. Shane Howes can be contacted at .