TAFE support staff enterprise bargaining update – March 2016 (PDF version)
Your CPSU Bargaining Team met with TAFE NSW on 10 and 11 March. The Bargaining Team reviewed the possible translation of the broad range of classifications into one salary stream under the proposed Work Level Standards. There is no clear proposal as yet, however, one key principle remains that your union will always fight for you.
The PSA (CPSU) will fight to ensure current TAFE NSW employees will not have their salary reduced by moving into the new Work Level Standards.
A Protected Action Ballot Order has been issued by the Fair Work Commission. This allows for members of the PSA (CPSU) to show the employer that members are prepared to continue the campaign to protect your pay, conditions and jobs at TAFE NSW.
The decision HERE
The orders HERE
The directions HERE
More information will be distributed about this shortly however, it is important that all members participate and have their say, and vote yes!
PSA (CPSU) members are encouraged to vote YES in the ballot to show management we will not accept cuts to wages or conditions. The union would also like to ask members to volunteer to hand out information at a local workplace to fellow members.
This will help ensure that every single member is able to VOTE and have their say. If you are willing to volunteer, please contact the PSA (CPSU) at and with your contact details and work location.
Members are also encouraged to update their information with your union, especially if you have recently updated your information with TAFE NSW. You may have a new mobile number, email, work location or even department. Please take three minutes to update your details HERE.
Your details must be correct and match up with your employer details to ensure you can exercise your vote in the ballot.
In September last year, TAFE NSW sought to ‘bribe’ employees with the 2.5 percent pay rise for a sub-standard enterprise agreement. PSA (CPSU) members and colleagues rejected this obvious attempt to strip away conditions and fast track a new classification system. The introduction of the new classification system is the single biggest change for TAFE NSW employees for decades, and we need to make sure it’s done right.
This is why the PSA (CPSU) demanded the 2015 2.5 percent pay rise up front while we negotiate the major changes to your enterprise agreement. TAFE NSW rejected this before and after their enterprise agreement failed so they could use it to try to bribe their employees.
By withholding the 2.5 percent, TAFE NSW:
PSA (CPSU) members need to show management that we will not accept cuts to our conditions.
PSA (CPSU) members need to show management that we will not accept being held to ransom.
PSA (CPSU) members need to send a strong message to TAFE NSW and VOTE YES in the Protected Action Ballot between 23-31 March.
The PSA (CPSU) continues to demand TAFE NSW undertake costings on moving current employees who are working 38 hours a week to working 35 hours a week. The PSA (CPSU) is also demanding all employees who currently work with rostered days off, continue to be entitled to RDOs regardless of whether their nominal hours are 38 or 35. TAFE NSW has not agreed to preserve RDOs for any employees, regardless of any change to their nominal weekly hours.
The surveys are still open, and we need to know how you may want to manage working part-year and the sort of protections you want negotiated. Please complete the survey below so we can design a limited form of part-year employment that meets your needs, while preventing too many positions going from full-year to part-year.
Please complete this SURVEY and let us know what you would prefer in how your Part Year position might be managed.
TAFE NSW continues to reference their claims to cut your conditions of employment as per the sub-standard enterprise agreement they put to ballot which you overwhelmingly rejected. Vote YES in the upcoming Protected Action Ballot between 24 March and 1 April.
New Classification Descriptors (Work Level Standards) | Notionally agreed |
Salary Spine for new Classification Descriptors | Not Agreed |
Implementation of new Classification Descriptors | Not Agreed |
Reclassification rights | Not Agreed |
Performance Development | Not Agreed |
Consolidation of Allowances | Notionally agreed |
Daily span of hours | Not Agreed |
Weekly hours of work | Not Agreed |
Overtime entitlements | Not Agreed |
Flexible working arrangements | Not Agreed |
Rostered Days Off, maintaining current entitlements | Not Agreed |
Shift penalties and shift entitlements | Not Agreed |
Broken Shifts, who this may apply to | Not Agreed |
Union rights for your delegates | Not Agreed |
Part Year Employment | Not Agreed |
Restrictions on Temporary Employment | Not Agreed |
2015 pay rise of 2.5% | Rejected by TAFE NSW |
2016 pay rise | Not Agreed |
2017 pay rise | Not Agreed |