Department of Finance, Services and Innovation (DFSI) has commenced consultation on workers compensation dispute resolution processes.
After many years of union calls for the workers compensation system to be made more simple for workers, the government has commenced consultations about making the system of disputes easier. Disputes arise about decisions of the insurer that negatively affect the support provided by the workers compensation system.
Currently the disputes system has a number of avenues depending on what you are disputing. Complication increased with the 2012 legislative changes introducing work capacity decisions and reviews through four different stages, whilst prohibiting the Workers Compensation Commission from dealing with matters related to the work capacity decision. This combined with reduced staff at the Workers Compensation Commission has led to, not only jurisdictional confusion, but also delays in having matters resolved. This has led to significant delays and increased costs to workers and also to the scheme.
A copy of the DFSI Summary document is attached HERE
A copy of the Consultation Page and full discussion paper is available HERE