
Wednesday, 12 March 2025

Members reject amended offer: Mercer Enterprise Agreement update

Thank you to all the members who provided feedback to your union, the CPSU NSW.

In summary, members have again unanimously rejected Mercer’s offer. This is despite Mercer increasing its wage offer from 3.25 per cent per year over two years to 3.5 per cent per year over two years, and the addition of a $500 one-off payment. The amount is simply not sufficient to deal with the ongoing cost-of-living crisis.

Members have pointed out that during the last agreement negotiations, $750 was offered as a one-off payment and that most of the current $500 amount would be taxed at the highest marginal tax rate.

Members also continue to oppose the inclusion of performance-based pay. They highlight that the criteria for receiving performance-based pay is not transparent or consistent. Even members who have received performance-based pay in the past are critical of it and would prefer a higher base rate increase instead. Over the past six years, members have found that performance-based pay is more about how well you get along with your manager rather than how hard you work and contribute to your team.

The union has written to Mercer to convey the above member feedback.

Members are welcome to provide further feedback to the union.


Kylee Bell Delegate

Monika Wunderlin Industrial Officer

Bart Mckenzie Regional Organiser