On 7 November 2024, University of Technology Sydney (UTS) released a discussion paper in relation to their Operational Sustainable Initiative.
The intent of this initiative is reported as being to identify and respond to internal and external causes of financial stress on the University; and to present a number of options UTS is considering to maintain ‘sustainable expenditure’ by exploring possible cost savings.
UTS has provided an outline for a three-week consultation period and The CPSU NSW is holding an all members meeting to offer staff the chance to provide feedback, ask questions and raise concerns.
This meeting will also be an opportunity for members affected by the currently ongoing change plans for the Information Technology Unit (ITU) through the Information Technology Operating Model (ITOM) area, People Unit, and Creative Industries areas, to address any outstanding questions or concerns coming from these processes.
Members can attend using the below link:
Meeting ID: 423 750 623 388
Passcode: Ygs4Bn
You can contact the CPSU NSW by calling 1800 772 679 or writing to
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