
Thursday, 19 May 2022

The Public Sector Needs a Pay Rise

Thank you to all our members who have come in behind the Public Sector Needs a Pay Rise campaign.

On Friday 27 May 2022, there will be an all-member meeting at 12:30pm and other campaign activities you can do during the day.

The ALL-MEMBER meeting at 12:30pm via Zoom will give General Secretary Stewart Little a chance update you on the outcomes of Conference.

Why are we doing this?

In February we wrote to the NSW Government seeking a pay rise above inflation. However, we only received a paltry acknowledgement letter a month later.

The PSA/CPSUNSW kicked off The Public Sector Needs a Pay Rise campaign in March when Central Councilors and Delegates vowed to support and build this campaign.

We launched a petition that now has more than 11,000 signatures. Please sign the and circulate the petition, as more signatures will make our voice even louder!

More than 8000 members have written to their local Member of Parliament. Click HERE to send a letter to your MP to let them know the Public Sector Needs a pay Rise.

Departmental Committees, Vocational Branches and members have been meeting across the state, building momentum and deliberating the next steps of the campaign.

In May inflation figures rose significantly to 5.1 per cent. Again your union wrote to the Premier in May, this time seeking a 5.2 per cent pay rise. That is a decent pay increase that keeps up with the rising cost of  living.

Still the silence from the Premier is deafening. This is not good enough, now is the time to step up the campaign.

Campaign launch:  Friday 27 May 2022

On this day Delegates from across the state and representing all Agencies will be meeting in Sydney for our Annual Conference. While Conference debates the next steps forward in our campaign, ALL PSA/CPSUNSW members are being asked show their support of a decent pay and solidarity with each other by:

An ALL-MEMBER meeting will be held at 12:30pm via Zoom. This will be for the General Secretary to give update you on the outcomes of Conference. Click on the link HERE to register.