TAFE NSW member update – April 2018 (PDF version)
Last week staff were made aware by your employer of the placement and transition process for the Group 4 restructure. The implementation and recruitment processes of this restructure has been a debacle which the CPSU NSW will demand does not happen again.
TAFE NSW has allowed an external agency known as Hudsons to undertake significant portions of the recruitment process. It is our belief that Hudsons has been unable to cope with the scope of the process which has resulted in members experiencing chaos, confusion, stress and distress.
TAFENSW has clearly illustrated it’s not about the staff or indeed the students but a rushed process before a change of government.
TAFENSW has still not filled 23% of the vacant positions and the CSPU NSW again is requesting staff to contact your union if you believe the process was not equitable. Please provide your feedback (feedback only) to .
The CPSU NSW questions the positions identified as “hard to fill”, especially with so many staff with years of corporate knowledge being shown the door. For any members who are facing a redundancy and know that there are similar jobs available at the same or lower level, please contact the CPSU NSW at . Please include your current job title, current level, the jobs and level you applied for and any vacancies you are aware of.
TAFENSW has forwarded information to staff across regions/institutes that over the next three months the Group 4 will be complete and that Group 4 employees will need to adapt to the new teams and ways of working.
These weasel words mean you will be expected to do more work as they try to figure out who will do all the work now that they have got rid of so many knowledgeable staff.
The CPSU NSW advises staff to follow their Position Description, in the agreed position you applied for. If you feel that you’re being asked to do more with less staff and resources let your manager know and copy your local delegate. You can find a list of your delegates at the end of this bulletin.
Being patient with your colleagues and their new positions does not mean showing them how to do the work you once undertook. TAFENSW has taken far too much good will from employees already and it is now time to stand up and fight back. You have the right to question and refuse to do a job if it has unreasonably increased your workload or is clearly well outside your Position Description.
As of 3 April Education Administration Support staff that were unsuccessful will continue to have access to SAP and other systems and may be asked to show the new incumbent how to undertake the work.
CPSU NSW members have raised concerns and disgust with this transitional plan asking “why is it that if I’m not good enough for the job I have to train someone else. Surely the person who got the position should know the work”. The CPSU NSW advises all staff that you are responsible for your own log in, and to ensure you check the relevant policies. It is our belief that if TAFENSW does not wish to retain your services or your loyalty it should not get to retain your knowledge.
Staff are also reminded that no contingency or agency staff will have delegation to supervise, direct or delegate work. This after all is the purpose of the restructure to place staff so as to ensure the correct delegation and governance. If you feel that your supervisor or yourself don’t have the authority cross reference the Delegations manual or call the CPSU NSW Members Support Centre on 1300 772 679.
While staff are transitioning to the new structure, you may be requested to work in a different role or indeed location other than the position you applied for. If this is the case refer your manager to your appointment letter and let your union know.
The Placement Progress page for Group 4 Combined Group has been updated on the TAFE NSW intranet including an updated 6 week summary for Placement Activity. Information on the Placement progress can be viewed on the Intranet HERE.
Your CPSU NSW Delegates are there to support members. You can find your local delegates on the new CPSU NSW website HERE.
Its important that all members help your Union to be stronger. You can assist by asking at least one colleague to join the CPSU NSW online HERE.