
Friday, 25 August 2017

TAFE NSW Group 4 restructure update

TAFE NSW Group 4 restructure update – August 2017 (PDF version)

Your union attended a briefing on 24 August for further consultation around the ETG, regions and TAFE Digital Group 4 restructure. There will be further briefings for the remaining consultation period which your union will also attend.

Placement process and mapping

There is currently no guarantee of placement for TAFE Worker Levels 2. We are fighting give our members a chance to match in the new structure.

During the meeting held with TAFE, some information came to light around the opportunities for those acting in higher duties and who may want to look outside their 50km area.

If you choose to opt in for consideration at your acting positons prior to close of consultation, you will have a chance to review and change your decision prior to implementation.

After the consultation and review period, TAFE will notify affected staff of their possible mapped positions and these staff will have a five-day period to review the proposed mapping and opt in or out if acting in a higher graded position. The organisation chart will be set at this point, so members will be able to see exactly where they will sit.

In Step 3, you can self-match to any vacant position at grade. This can include positions outside your 50km area.

The CPSU NSW will be advocating for members only, so staff who are affected and not yet members will need to JOIN the CPSU NSW before 28 August. If you know anyone in this position, please talk with them about joining now.

Share this update with your colleagues; ask your colleagues to JOIN the CPSU NSW; remind your colleagues that they can also save money if they JOIN the CPSU NSW through the union’s Value Added Services.

The union will continue to have consultation meetings with management to raise member concerns during the process so we need members to submit their feedback to us at . Feedback closes 28 August so we need your feedback in by COB 28 August.

It is important you continue to have a say and your voice is heard. You can support the work of the union and your local delegates by joining the CPSU.

Please forward this to your colleagues so that they know their rights, and encourage them to JOIN THE CPSU.

Please note, CPSU NSW members are also members of the Public Service Association of NSW. The PSA is the Associated Body for, and resources and manages, the CPSU NSW

Value Added Services: only for members of the CPSU NSW

Journey Insurance comes automatically for all CPSU NSW members. This covers you for lost wages if you have an accident to or from work. The employer’s workers’ compensation does not cover journey claims.

A Provident Fund includes all CPSU NSW members. This provides a one off payment of $3,500 to the nominated beneficiary or estate for any member under 70 who dies.

Union Shopper is also available, which provides discounts on a wide range of products and services from cars, whitegoods, travel, wine, restaurants and grocery shopping. Through Union Shopper you reduce your grocery costs by five per cent through Woolworths and Coles gift cards.

For members who spend $150 a week on groceries, this can save you $15 a week, or $780 a year. Membership fees for the CPSU NSW range from $3.55 per week to $14.50 per week and are tax deductible.

For further details around even more Value Added Services, see visit our website HERE and you can JOIN the CPSU NSW HERE.