
Wednesday, 8 January 2025

CPSU NSW and Serco gear up for Enterprise Bargaining at Clarence Valley Correctional Centre

The CPSU NSW and Serco Australia have commenced preliminary discussions in relation to a new enterprise agreement for Correctional Case Officers at Clarence Valley Correctional Centre. Parties are expected to begin formal negotiations in February 2025.

In late December 2024, the company issued staff with a Notice of Representational Rights, a procedural requirement of the Fair Work Act 2009, and followed-up yesterday with a form allowing Correctional Case Officers to nominate a bargaining representative.

As union members, you do not need to nominate a bargaining representative. The CPSU NSW is automatically your bargaining representative.

The current Correctional Case Officers Enterprise Agreement is set to expire on 3 March 2025. As such planning is now underway for a replacement agreement. The CPSU NSW and Serco representatives will meet on 21 January to discuss administrative arrangements for the bargaining process.

The CPSU NSW will shortly circulate a Log of Claims (LOC) for your information. Your union will serve the LOC on Serco in early February.

The CPSU NSW bargaining team will hold meetings in Grafton on the evenings of 5 and 6 February to answer any questions you have in relation to the bargaining process. Location and times will be confirmed.

In the meantime, if you have any questions, please contact Thane Pearce at the CPSU NSW on 1800 772 679 or 0408 223 276.

Alternatively, you can contact our local Organisers – Tom Whitton, Rebecca Rielly or Mick Smart – through our Grafton Office on 1800 772 679. You can also speak with Mark Bathgate, Luke Binskin, Keri Parbarry, Craig Dennis or Kody Richards in the workplace.

United we bargain, divided we beg!