Our guest speaker at the final meeting for 2024 will be Ruth Davis, who recently retired after a long career in nursing and midwifery, which included working in Africa and disadvantaged areas of Sydney. Ruth has qualifications in aged care and mental health nursing. She is also an accredited trainer in mental health first aid.
Ruth will be talking to us about looking after our mental health and well-being over the Christmas-New Year period.
If you are joining the meeting externally we are changing from Zoom to Microsoft Teams.
If you are using your home PC, the meeting will open in your default browser with no need for additional software. If you are on a mobile device (your phone or tablet), it will require an additional app to download, which will begin once you click on the meeting link.
A light Christmas lunch will be provided after the meeting. To assist with catering please confirm your attendance at by close of business on Friday, 29 November 2024.
Date Tuesday, 3 December
Time 10:30am-12:30pm
Location PSA House, 160 Clarence Street Sydney
Join via Microsoft Teams HERE
Meeting ID 490 960 860 428
Passcode He95UL3D
Carmel McKeough