University of Sydney – finalisation of future libraries restructure dispute
The dispute regarding the Future Libraries restructure concluded 9 October 2024 in consultation with the membership. Thank you to all members who were able to provide vital feedback to the CPSU NSW, your input was invaluable.
Throughout the Fair Work Commission conciliation process the CPSU NSW focused on the key issues of:
Safety and security of staff, particularly in the Fisher and Susan Wakil Health libraries.
The need for clarity on the bodies responsible for ensuring review of Stage 2 and suitable consultation and involvement from CPSU NSW.
Access to necessary training for staff in Technology Service roles; and provision of feedback.
As part of the third conciliation meeting with the Commission the University proposed terms of settlement the following effect:
Provision of two (2) staff members to be rostered at Fisher Library at all times under the active concierge service. These staff will not work in the workroom on an ‘on call’ basis.
Staff are only expected to stand in spaces where clients are entering the library, staff can sit during quiet periods with no clients entering the libraries.
That the University has committed to including an external independent reviewer when reviewing the change process.
Inclusion as an annexure of the Final Change Plan, a further 5-page feedback submission from CPSU NSW which was submitted on 4 October 2024.
Training for Technology Service Staff to the same in-depth level of expertise as the Peer Learning Advisors and fulltime continuing staff in the Peer Learning Technological area.
Listing the Future Library Change Process as a standing agenda item in the Libraries Joint Consultative Committee meetings until the post implementation review. This will be a verbal report only.
(For discussions in relation to the change implementation plan beyond this point, the University conceded that the Library Joint Consultative Committee was the appropriate forum.)
An Expression of Interest process for any staff seeking to be appointed to the Implementation Consultation Group and appoint members thar are representative across demographics such as teams and HEO levels. The position the University has taken is that due to the density of both Unions this would ‘almost certainly’ result in Union members on the group.
(The University did not agree to the CPSU’s submission that dedicated positions be supplied for Union Delegates in these positions)
the land line phones at information points will be set up with a speed dial button to the Emergency Security phone line and that the landline phone will remain in the Help Zones of all libraries. The University also undertook to provide ‘a smartphone or other similar device such as an iPad’ for entry point staff and the rover to call or text via teams. (The CPSU NSW presented a preference to have staff provided with a mobile phone in favour of an iPad, the University has taken the position that the matter requires further canvassing and consultation as part of the Co-Development process which will occur as part of implementation.)
Security will be present in the Susan Wakil Health Library at all times between 5pm – 8pm weeknights during semester/ when the library is open until 8pm.
University will comply with clauses 488 to 503 (Redeployment and Redundancy) in the Enterprise Agreement for all staff who have put in Expressions of Interest for Voluntary Redundancy.
The final Terms of Settlement as outlined above represent a number of wins for members who are subject to the Change Process but is not the end of discussions or representations to the University. The CPSU NSW is committed to pursuing these issues into the future to ensure that the University is held accountable to their undertakings and to prosecute for further action where any issues arise in the future.
Your CPSU NSW Team for the Restructure
Jose Vasquez
CPSU NSW Organiser
Rubi Tabuteau
A/CPSU NSW Industrial Officer
Grant Wheeler
Ivan Coates
Rachelle Down
If you have any questions about this bulletin, please contact the Member Support Centre on 1800 772 679.