
Thursday, 3 October 2024

Mercer CPSU NSW Member Meeting and Next JCC  

Your Mercer CPSU NSW Team will be holding a meeting for Mercer members on Thursday 10 October, in the lead up to the Joint Consultative Committee meeting with Mercer on 15 October 2024.

Member Feedback and Input

We are holding a Teams meeting to run through questions or concerns and gather feedback on issues you would like raised. If you have a question ahead of the meeting, you can email: and put Mercer CPSU NSW Members Meeting in the subject line.

Meeting Agenda

  • Mercer post restructures
  • Year End/Shutdown
  • Your Enterprise Agreement

Information on Your Agreement

Your current agreement expires on 31 March 2025.  Clause 5.4 in your agreement states the parties agree to commence negotiations no later than (4) months prior to the nominal expiry of the current agreement.

The intention is to have a preliminary discussion with members about the process and associated timeframes.

Mercer CPSU NSW Delegates

We are also seeking members to come on board and be part of the team as a delegate. If you are interested in being a delegate or would like more information about the role you can email and put Delegate in the subject line.

Meeting Details 

Thursday 10 October 2024 

Time: 12:30 to 1:00pm 

Join the meeting now

Meeting ID: 495 021 851 473

Passcode: hbNhiL

Your Mercer CPSU NSW Team

Shane Elliott – Regional Organiser

Bart McKenzie –Regional Organiser

Kylie Bell – Mercer CPSU NSW Delegate

What can you do?

Give a copy of this bulletin to your colleagues.

Print this bulletin and put it up on your notice board.

Ask a colleague to join the CPSU NSW

Get involved as your Area Contact
Become a CPSU Delegate

Not a member join online –