
Wednesday, 2 October 2024

CPSU NSW  – MEMBER MEETING  –  Aruma Restructures

By now, proud CPSU NSW members will be aware that Aruma propose to restructure its workforce in NSW. The announced restructures will impact on both Supported Independent Living (SILs) and Community cohorts of employees.

Several staff briefing sessions have been held. At those briefing sessions, Aruma has announced job losses will result from the restructures.

No doubt with job losses on the table, employee anxiety levels will have escalated. Aruma have advised that it seeks to retain as many staff as possible.

CPSU NSW submissions to date

  • Immediate recruitment freeze

CPSU NSW made submissions that Aruma should immediately implement a recruitment freeze on existing vacancies. With job losses inevitable maximising positions for affected members to be redeployed into is high on CPSU NSW radar.

Aruma have agreed with the CPSU NSW recruitment freeze proposal and confirm current vacant roles will be held empty pending completion of the restructure processes.

  • Increased administrative burden for Managers Supported Living (MSLs)

Post-restructure, many MSLs will have three group homes to manage. There has been no information on dealing with the additional administrative burden attached to the ever increasing responsibilities faced by MSLs.

How MSLs will manage the increase in bureaucratic responsibility is a question which remains unanswered. Already, MSL members tell us they face challenges regarding participant support, and the complexity of rostering.

MSL members advise they are already under extreme pressure to manage two sites due to the composition of their sites and intense health requirements of the participants their team’s support.

Disability Support Worker (DSW) members advise they already find it difficult to catch their MSL because they are split between multiple sites. MSLs managing three sites will reduce opportunities for DSW direct contact with MSLs, making DSW jobs harder to perform in crisis or emergency situations.

Adding more staff directly reporting to MSLs is bound to impact on staff morale and service support to participants.

One can only speculate how the new model will improve outcomes for Aruma’s participants or its employees.

What’s going on at the top?

The brunt of the pain is going to be felt by first tier managers and front line workers – like you. While Aruma is slashing MSL jobs and asking you to do more for the same pay – there has been crickets from Aruma about belt-tightening for its many highly paid, senior managers and executive staff.

If there are any job cuts or austerity measures being applied to Aruma’s senior managers and executives, Aruma has not informed CPSU NSW.

CPSU NSW member consultation

CPSU NSW are calling a member meeting to consult with you now that all staff briefing sessions have been completed.

The meeting will be open to all CPSU NSW members working in Aruma, regardless of their location, role, or position.

CPSU NSW members are invited to attend a union meeting via MSTeams.

WHEN – Thursday, 10 October 2024 at 16:00.

WHERE – Via Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams Need help?

Join the meeting now

Meeting ID: 480 567 915 852

Passcode: cKQRQb

We hope to see you there.