
Monday, 5 August 2024

Clarity and transparency, too much to ask?

The CPSU NSW received the proposed operating model change plans on Tuesday 30 July and have to say they are the most confusing documents out!

Clarity around how many roles are being deleted, where are they located geographically and how many new roles are missing.

CPSU NSW is frustrated with the lack of transparency and is demanding that they truly consult with your union, not just have a brief conversation prior to the release of major change and follow the true spirit of the government workforce mobility policy.

CPSU NSW has written to Minister Wahn asking for specific information; why is this happening prior to the release of the final VET Review and the fact that we do not know the true impact on metro or regional locations.

Another meeting with TAFE management is being held on Wednesday 7 August and if the appropriate answers are not received then we will be lodging a dispute in the Fair Work Commission regarding consultation.

Your union will not stand for this!

Please send your feedback to