The CPSU NSW met with LWB in June to regarding the following issues, the closure of group homes, rostering, shift swaps and pay. A summary of the meeting is provided below.
Home Closures
The CPSU NSW requested information regarding what processes LWB undertake once a home is to be closed or when a client leaves a home, resulting in changes to staffing. LWB have advised that their priority for any affected member is redeployment to another position. Changes in the master roster can be considered as part of this. To assist LWB, members need to explain to LWB their circumstances and any preferences they have. Members may have to drop to part time hours if there are no suitable alternate roles within LWB. Alternatively, affected members are entitled to a redundancy.
Shift Swaps
The CPSU NSW also requested information regarding how management handle shift swaps. The CPSU NSW emphasised that members are accommodating around changes in LWB’s operational needs, and this flexibility should be reciprocated by LWB. LWB in turn advised that shift swaps should be granted according to the shift swap policy. However, shift swaps will to be approved simply because a member wants a “better” shift, for example on that attracts penalties. LWB advised that any denial of shift swaps by LWB will be for legitimate operational reason. For instance if a member has not a 10 hour break between shifts.
The matter of casuals getting shifts over permanent staff was raised by the CPSU NSW. In response, LWB committed to raising the matter with their management to make sure all DSL know who is now on as part time to ensure the rostering principles are applied.
The CPSU NSW raised the fact that wages are not keeping up with inflation and members are going backwards. LWB advised that they believed the Award was sufficient. The CPSU NSW will write to LWB proposing enterprise bargaining negotiations, so that better conditions and wages can be secured for members.
Next meeting between CPSU NSW and LWB
Members are encouraged to contact CPSU NSW regarding any of the above issues, or any broader industrial matters to facilitate further consultation with LWB. The CPSU NSW and LWB will meet again at the end of August 2024.