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The cover story for the Autumn issue of Red Tape chronicles the neglect and outright vandalism of a much-loved Sydney institution, the Powerhouse Museum.
The museum has been a vital part of Sydney’s cultural life since 1988, yet has become a political football for the State Government.
Our feature covers this decline, including a rally organised by the PSA CPSU NSW to return the museum’s Ultimo location to its rightful place as a major component of our cultural landscape.
The latest issue of our magazine also examines the shameful way our justice system is allowing domestic violence offenders to serve their sentences in the community, often with no supervision.
Every week, an Australian woman is killed by a current or former partner. The NSW Government needs to take domestic violence seriously with proper sentencing and rehabilitation.
The PSA CPSU NSW is continuing its Child Protection in Crisis campaign. Your union is determined to work with our members in Community Services to improve the outcomes on behalf of some of the most vulnerable people in the state. The current issue looks at why protecting vulnerable children is union business.
Red Tape’s new pages are always a great way to keep up with events affecting our members. The Autun issue looks at prison mothballing, the members who clean up pollution and we profile a General Assistant making a huge difference for his school. The magazine has a story on job cuts at the Art Gallery of NSW, looks into a pay rise for School Psychologists and we profile to a member who has spent 50 years keeping our highways safe.
As always, Red Tape includes incisive columns, an update of member benefits and the best in books and podcasts.
For a video update on Red Tape from General Secretary Stewart Little, click HERE.
The current issue is in the post right now. It can also be read on the PSA and CPSU NSW websites. You can also go to to Red Tape online any time.