
Monday, 12 February 2024

CPSU Seat at the Table – Great Koala Park Consultation

Consultation around the NSW Government election commitment to create the Great Koala National Park (GKP) has now begun and the Government has established three Advisory Boards to seek input from various stakeholders.

The CPSU NSW Assistant General Secretary Troy Wright was invited to sit on the Industry Advisory Board, along with several other Union parties and industry representatives. The meetings have now kicked off and the last meeting of the Industry Advisory group was on Wednesday 7 February 2023.

It is still early days in the consultative process, with the main focus of the meeting being on the other pieces of work that are being undertaken to support the decision – the Social and Economic Impact Statement and the Koala Survey.

Why Is This Important That Your Union on the Advisory Board?

Your union’s involvement in the advisory board process ensures that not only does the CPSU NSW have a seat at the table, but also the ability to directly raise matters of interest to members before the creation of the GKP.

The following are just some of the reasons the Union is taking part in this process:

  1. This is one of the avenues available to express our concerns for the ongoing employment of our Forestry members, especially within the hardwood operations that may be affected by the establishment of the GKP.
  2. It allows the CPSU to be intimately involved in discussions that will establish the makeup and location of the GPK and how it could impact our membership and continued Forestry NSW operations.
  3. It allows the CPSU and Forestry NSW to be proactive in managing any workforce changes that may come about as a result of the establishment of the GKP.
  4. It provides another avenue for the CPSU to advocate for the long-term survival and continuation of Forestry NSW to support industry and regional employment.

PSA Meetings Coming Soon

So that we can properly support the views of the membership, the CPSU NSW will be arranging a schedule of meetings to potentially impacted worksites and regional locations. Be on the lookout for dates and locations in the coming weeks.