
Thursday, 9 November 2023

Northcott confirms plans to slash Service Coordinator roles

Northcott has written to the CPSU NSW confirming plans to slash the number of Service Coordinators by up to half, claiming financial pressure and spiraling operating costs have driven the disability services provider’s proposal. You can read a copy of Northcott’s letter HERE.

Under Northcott’s proposal all Services Coordinator’ will in future, “where reasonable,” manage two accommodation units. Thirty locations have been identified so far for immediate transition to this model.

Northcott has advised the CPSU NSW that all directly affected staff will be contacted and have the opportunity to express a preference for either redundancy and severance pay or continued employment, with Northcott making the final decision on which staff will be made redundant.

The CPSU NSW understands staff and union consultation will continue until 17 November ahead of a final decision by the provider on 20 November. Northcott expects to commence implementation of the new operating arrangements in the week of 27 November 2023.

The CPSU NSW will hold an online member meeting on Tuesday, 14 November 4.00pm. Click HERE for the Teams link .

Meeting ID 449 685 575 690
Passcode jPzyW7