CPSU NSW held a virtual members meeting 16:30 on 4 May 2023. This meeting was a snap meeting and was well attended despite minimal notice. Your CPSU NSW industrial staff thank those who were able to attend with limited notice.
The meeting was useful for CPSU NSW as it allowed us a chance to provide an update on Enterprise Bargaining in Aruma and to consult with members about their industrial interests.
Clearly, the preservation of the superior provisions in the Community Living (State) Award, which is now defunct in Aruma, was the primary concern. Members also clearly expressed a desire to preserve the superior rates of pay presently grandfathered now the state award has expired.
So far, no firm discussions on grandfathering rates of pay post-finalisation of the next enterprise agreement have been held during bargaining. Typically in the sector, CPSU NSW members have seen their rates of pay preserved until the Fair Work Commission’s annual reviews raise the agreements rates to match or exceed the grandfathered rates of pay.
We will be putting this question on wages to Aruma at the next meeting to learn of your employers’ intentions. Other questions were raised at the members meeting which we’ve taken on notice. Your bargaining representatives will be seeking an indication of the management position at the next Enterprise Bargaining meeting with Aruma.
Something all CPSU NSW members in Aruma can be 100 per cent certain: your union will strongly advocate for all its members during enterprise bargaining.
Whether you joined pre-privatisation of ADHC, or, are NGO legacy staff who have recently joined the CPSU NSW our aim is to see an improvement in your wages and an enhancement of your employment conditions.
CPSU NSW intends to have regular briefing sessions on the progress of enterprise bargaining negotiations with members in Aruma. All CPSU NSW members are invited to participate in these virtual online member meetings.
Details and a MS Teams link for the next members virtual meeting on 11 May 2023 at 16:30 for Aruma CPSU NSW members follows. We hope to see you there.
Microsoft Teams meeting
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device
Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 476 084 766 596
Passcode: i2U5yk