The CPSU NSW team met with University of New England (UNE) management on 24 March. The meeting discussed the first set of clauses tabled by your union in bargaining for the agreed separate Professional Staff Enterprise Agreement (EA).
The meeting was very positive with the CPSU NSW team speaking on the principles of:
The CPSU NSW team is proud to announce that, subject to wording in drafting, in-principle agreement was reached on The Right to Disconnect and Gender Affirmation clauses.
The parties further agreed to look at amending the JCC clause to include mechanisms to ensure action and accountability is taken on issues raised in meetings.
The university also recognised the value of remote working arrangements and its benefits on productivity and mental health.
Due to the Easter break, the next meeting will be convened on 14 April, with a focus on Indigenous employment and responses to questions on the university’s finances.
It was also discussed that following meetings would focus on a range of job security clauses that speaks to conversion rights at UNE.
The CPSU NSW will keep members updated after each meeting on all progress made.
For any additional information on the progress of bargaining, please do not hesitate to contact the CPSU NSW UNE Bargaining Team for the Professional Staff Enterprise Agreement.
If you are interested in being a delegate or would like more information about the role or anything above, you can email or call the CPSU NSW.
April Youngberry
CPSU NSW UNE Branch President
Ian Gesch
Stephen Mears
CPSU NSW Organiser
Michael Cope
CPSU NSW Industrial Officer