
Wednesday, 15 March 2023

Local Campaign Action Group report back on meeting with local member for Keira, Ryan Park

On 8 March 2023 a PSA/CPSU NSW delegation met with the Member of Parliament for the seat of Keira, Ryan Park.

The delegation discussed issues of importance with Mr Park, including the effects the unfair NSW public sector salary cap is having on public sector workers in our region and inevitably the brake on wage growth that flows on to workers in the private sector.

During our discussions, Mr Park confirmed he is committed to the removal of the public sector wages cap and importantly the reintroduction of an independent umpire in the NSW Industrial Relations Commission.

The delegation also gave Mr Park a rundown of the importance of public sector jobs in the region and how important public servants are to the Illawarra. Mr Park is incredibly supportive of the work PSA/CPSU NSW members do and noted the essential role public servants had in keeping the region going during the pandemic.

Mr Park heard first hand about agencies including National Parks and Wildlife Service and the Department of Education and was sympathetic to the difficult conditions many of our members work under, including chronic workload, under-resourcing and cuts to staff affecting the service provided to the community.

Long term temporaries in schools

The delegation discussed the importance of having public servants in permanent roles. The delegation gave Mr Park a rundown on the state of play in schools where there thousands of temporary staff. Mr Ryan as a former Teacher noted the importance of SASS staff in schools and further the need to have permanency for those staff who have been long term temporaries.


The delegation also discussed privatisation of public assets and services with Mr Park. He noted that the only way to make a profit in the privatised entity is by reducing the wages and conditions of the workforce which ultimately led to inferior service and outcomes for the public. He also noted privatisation is a retrograde move.

 Next meeting

Thursday 23 March 4:00pm

Microsoft Teams meeting

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 449 898 621 813
Passcode: HqnqHo

Your Regional Organisers

Shane Elliott

Bart McKenzie

The meeting attendees, left to right; Shane Elliott (PSA/CPSU NSW Regional Organiser) Anita Zubovic (NPWS), Mr Park, Bart McKenzie (PSA/CPSU NSW Regional Organiser) and Julie Trickett (Schools).