The CPSU NSW bargaining team met with Mercer on 27 February 2023 with an aim to conclude Enterprise Agreement (EA) negotiations.
We are pleased to report that since the last meeting Mercer has moved on a significant number of issues that prevented agreement being reached.
At an all-members meeting on 28 February 2023, the draft new agreement was endorsed by the membership. The CPSU NSW have now reached in-principle agreement on the draft EA. The seven-day access period prior to the vote on the new agreement is expected to commence from 2 March 2023.
The CPSU NSW and the membership wishes to thank delegates Kylee Bell and Erinna Madge for their unfaltering commitment to the bargaining process in the interest of securing better working conditions for all EA staff at Mercer.
For any additional information or explanation as to any of the draft clauses during the access period, please do not hesitate to contact your delegates or the CPSU NSW.
If you are interested in being a delegate or would like more information about the role or anything above, you can email or call the CPSU NSW.
Kylee Bell – CPSU NSW Delegate
Erinna Madge – CPSU NSW Delegate
Bart McKenzie – CPSU NSW Organiser
Shane Elliot – CPSU NSW Organiser
Michael Cope – CPSU NSW Industrial Officer