
Friday, 20 January 2023

Results of Parramatta electorate survey

A big thank you to all our members who participated in our phone and online survey in December last year. The PSA/CPSU NSW contacted members who reside in the State Electorate of Parramatta to find out what they are thinking in the lead up to the NSW election on 23 March 2023.

The survey asked members to rate how concerned they are about the wages cap, privatisation of NSW public services, adequately funded public services, workloads, job security and a fairer industrial relations system. As you can see from the results below, these are areas of concern for the majority of members.

When asked how importantly they rated being concerned about the privatisation of NSW public services, 85 per cent of respondents said “a lot”.

The wages cap was also a major concern with 76 per cent of people polled.

When asked how importantly they rated properly funded public services, 73 per cent of respondents rated the issue “a lot”. Excessive workloads, a fairer industrial relations system and job security were at 68 per cent, 65 per cent and 64 per cent respectively.

We then asked members who they intend to vote for at the upcoming State election. It would appear from the survey results that while a majority of members intend to vote in a way that correlates with their areas of concern, there were still a significant number undecided.

Member voter intentions in the NSW electorate of Parramatta

Australian Labor Party 49.41 per cent
Undecided 25.88 per cent
Greens 5.88 per cent
Independent 5.88 per cent
Liberal/National Party 3.53 per cent
Other 3.53 per cent
Animal Justice Party 1.18 per cent
Shooters, Fishers & Farmers 1.18 per cent

Would you like to assist with your union’s election campaign?

In the lead up to the NSW election, the PSA/CPSU NSW is campaigning to overturn the NSW Government’s wages policy, put an end to privatisation of the NSW Public Sector, reasonable workloads, to win greater job security for NSW Public Sector workers and to have a fairer industrial relations system.

The upcoming NSW election is a critical opportunity for members to have their voice heard in the political arena. As the NSW Government employs many of our members, we are in a unique position to vote for the politicians that will be making decisions about our employment issues.

If you would like to help out with our campaign please register HERE.