Last week, union members at Parklea Correctional Centre took industrial action over the course of 48 hours in support of the fight for a decent pay increase and compensation for weekends worked. The stoppage was a major success, with more than 150 people turning up to the rally on Friday. You can access links about the stoppage and the industrial campaign below:
There were many other stories run on both radio, digital and print media, including Channel 2 News, Channel 10 National News, Sky News National, Channel 9, Channel 7, ABC, 2WS, Triple M, Today FM, KIIS, ABC News Radio, SBS Radio and 2SM.
Everyone who didn’t go to work and who turned up on Friday should be incredibly proud of themselves. It is actions such as these that result in better industrial outcomes for members.
Your union will write to MTC and request to meet again, hopefully before the year is over; and if not, as soon as possible in the new year. We will also consider notifying MTC of a second stoppage towards the end of January, depending on how these negotiations go.
The last thing that anybody wants is ongoing industrial action. However, MTC needs to come to the table with a better offer than what they’ve already tabled. The union will continue to push for a better pay increase, and for a monetary amount to be paid to members if they work on a Saturday or Sunday.
As soon as MTC gets back to the union regarding our next meeting, we will notify all members. Should nothing eventuate as a result of further bargaining discussions that are held, the union will consult with all members to determine what our next steps will be. In the meantime, if you have questions or concerns and want to talk to somebody from the union, then please reach out to Kim or Jess by sending an email to or . Alternatively, you can call Jess on 0401 521 561 or Kim on 0408 249 277.