
Wednesday, 30 November 2022

TAFE NSW Library Restructure Update

The union is aware that there are some issues to watch out for as Tranche 2 changes bed down.

If your library hasn’t started recruitment for vacant positions, please call Member Support on 1800 772 679 or your local delegate. We expect TAFE NSW to keep its commitment to fill all positions.

If appointed to a new position, it is worth nothing that this should match your years and level of professional experience. This is especially relevant for members who have had to apply for a lower graded position.

Changes to Library opening hours should also involve meaningful consultation. Specifically, Clause 11.5 of the TAFE Admin Enterprise Agreement states that ‘where TAFE NSW proposes to change an employee’s regular roster or ordinary hours of work, TAFE NSW must consult with the employee(s) affected and their representatives about the proposed change.’ If you believe that this is not being adhered to, please contact the union.

During the tranche 2 consultation, TAFE NSW promised that ‘all current libraries will remain open in the future state with the same opening hours. Please call out to your delegate If your library hours have been significantly reduced. We’d also like to know if you are under pressure to staff service points or keep the library open inadequate staff.

If you are being denied the opportunity to accrue or take flex in a reasonable manner please get in touch. Your union bargaining team is still in discussion with TAFE NSW and the Fair Work Commission to ensure that you have a good work-life balance.

If you have any questions regarding the above, please reach out to the union on 1800 772 679.