
Friday, 25 November 2022

TAFE Christmas shutdown period

It has come to your union’s attention that some members are being told that they must take leave over the Christmas shutdown period.

The Enterprise Agreement allows TAFE to direct employees to take annual leave only if they have accrued more than 40 days of annual leave. If this is the case, TAFE may be able to reasonably direct you to take leave over the closedown period.

If you don’t have 40 days of annual leave accrued, however, then TAFE cannot force you to take your annual leave. Indeed, the TAFE intranet states as follows: “Where services to our customers will not be affected, employees are strongly encouraged to take annual leave during the closedown period. Employees who have accrued more than 40 days of annual leave are required to take this leave during this period. Where an employee does not wish to take leave during the closedown, they need to discuss a meaningful plan of work with their line manager that will be undertaken.”

If you are being pressured to take annual leave when you don’t have 40 days of annual leave accrued, please contact the CPSU NSW on 1800 772 679 and we will make representations to TAFE on your behalf.