Good news! The PSA/CPSU NSW has formally set up a LGBTQI+ Council for members and their allies. This will be a forum to discuss issues affecting their community in the workplace.
LGBTQI+ rights are workers’ rights. From pink bans to the marriage equality campaign, to fighting discrimination in the workplace, to fighting for transition leave in modern Awards and Agreements, the union movement has been heavily involved in fighting for LGBTQI+ rights. This can be your chance to get more involved.
Members have been reaching out to the PSA/CPSU NSW on issues affecting the community. It is vital that the union’s position, campaigns and lobbying are based on issues important to LGBTQI+ members. The group will meet quarterly at PSA House to discuss issues and help guide the union in all matters that affect the LGBTQI+ community.
It’s also an opportunity to meet and network with other LGBTQI+ members, create campaigns and help plan any events, including World Pride, which is coming up in 2023!
If you have any questions about nominating, or the group in general, please email .
Each nomination must be supported by two other members in the same electorate as the nominee.
Nominees, nominators and seconders must be financial members of the Association as at 22 November 2022.
Nominations must be submitted via Survey Monkey using the following link:
Nominations will close at 5:00pm on 9 December 2022.
Should we receive more nominations than there are delegate positions members will be notified by a bulletin and an election will be held.
In the event of an election , candidates who wish to have a profile available for voters to read should provide a brief statement of 300 words or less, stating how they will best represent members’ interests. Space is provided for this purpose on the form available through Survey Monkey.