Thursday, 10 November 2022
PSA/CPSU NSW Retired Associates Update
At our last meeting on 25 October 2022, we dedicated time to considering our priorities for the coming year.
First and foremost is supporting the PSA/CPSU NSW in the run-up to the State election on 23 March 2023. More details about how you can assist will be provided closer to the date.
Over the next year we intend to become more issue based and active in advocating for necessary changes in our community. Priorities include:
- housing and homelessness
- mental health
- lobbying State and Federal Governments on issues of concern to Retired Associates
- preparing submissions ahead of State and Federal Budgets
- seeking changes to the State Environmental Planning Policy on affordable housing
- supporting the PSA’s campaign opposing insecure work in the public sector
- lobbying for reforms in aged care, retirement villages, retirement incomes and superannuation, including supporting the PSA’s campaign for payment of superannuation when on parental leave
- advocating to eliminate modern slavery and human trafficking
- climate change and what we can do
- Uluru Statement from the Heart and the upcoming referendum on the Voice to Parliament
- developing a better understanding of the roles of the Industrial Relations Commission and Fair Work Commission.
The endorsed minutes of the August meeting and draft minutes of the October meeting are attached for the information of Retired Associates.
Our final meeting for the year will be on Tuesday, 6 December 2022, commencing at 10.30am at PSA House or by Zoom. An agenda will be issued prior to meeting. You are welcome to join us.
Carmel McKeough
Secretary, PSA/CPSU NSW Retired Associates