
Tuesday, 25 October 2022

Serco tables new offer ahead of 48-hour stoppage

Yesterday, Serco sent the union a meeting invitation for this morning. The union (officials and delegates) just finished meeting with Serco, and Serco tabled a new offer ahead of tomorrow’s 48-hour stoppage.

Serco have stated that they wish to put this offer to members. The offer is contingent upon the union withdrawing the 48-hour stoppage notice set to commence at 6am tomorrow.

Serco’s pay offer is as follows:

Wage offer: Year 1 Base rate Time and a half Double time PH rate
CCO1 $27.00 $40.50 $52.00 $60.00
CCO2 $28.00 $42.00 $53.00 $65.00
CCO3 $30.00 $45.00 $55.00 $67.00
Wage offer: Year 2 Base rate Time and a half Double time PH rate
CCO1 $28.00 $42.00 $53.00 $61.00
CCO2 $29.00 $43.00 $54.00 $66.00
CCO3 $31.00 $46.50 $56.00 $68.00

The following was also offered:

  1. A two-year agreement instead of 12 months, and the possibility of backpay to the date of the vote occurring if a vote does go ahead and the offer is supported.
  2. All CCO2s who started before July 2020 (as opposed to graduated) will immediately progress to CCO3 upon certification of the new Enterprise Agreement (EA) and will receive the revised rates.
  3. CCO2s who graduated between July and December 2022 will be eligible for CCO3 next year and will immediately progress upon certification of the modules.
  4. The OT bonus will not go into the EA. It was never going to be a part of the EA and the union didn’t include it in the log of claims, but we asked nonetheless – Serco stated that it was always a short-term measure to address staff shortages.
  5. The OT rate will be reduced from 150 per cent for the first three hours and 200 per cent thereafter to 150 per cent for the first three hours and between 184 per cent and 190 per cent thereafter (depending on your grade – see the rates in the table above).

It is not up to union officials to decide whether this is acceptable or not, but it should be noted that the only reason that this offer was tabled was due to members taking industrial action. We would never have received an offer like this without the support of union members who have been staunch in their view that they deserve a decent pay increase, and who were willing to walk off the job to fight for it. An increase from the $28.00 recently proposed for CCO3s to $30 per hour for a CCO3 is a 7.2 per cent pay increase in the first year alone. If this offer is accepted by members, then Serco employees will go from the lowest-paid correctional officers in the country to some of the highest in the private sector. That is a huge win in and of itself.  

Members now need to decide whether they are happy with this offer and want it to go to a formal ballot, or whether they believe it to be inadequate and wish to proceed with the stoppage tomorrow. As always, members will decide whether any offer put forward by Serco is good enough, and as such we need you to fill out this survey as soon as possible HERE.

If a majority of members accept the offer, then the union will withdraw the stoppage notice. On the other hand, if members don’t believe that the offer is adequate, then the union will advise Serco accordingly and the stoppage tomorrow will go ahead as planned.

There is a very tight turnaround given that the stoppage is set to start at 6:00am, so please fill out the survey as soon as you possibly can. We will advise all members of what the outcome of the survey is by no later than 6:00pm tonight, so please keep an eye out for communications from the union throughout the course of the day.

As per usual, if you have any questions, you can get in touch with the union by sending an email to , , , or . You can also call Jess on 0401 521 561 or Kim on 0408 249 277.