The CPSU NSW UTS bargaining team reconvened with UTS on 11 October for three hours.
The meeting commenced with the Chief Financial Officer providing an overview of finances ahead of an official pay offer to progress the enterprise agreement. Additional agreement clauses discussed included:
The CPSU NSW UTS bargaining team remains strongly committed to Professional Staff issues in a separate Professional Staff Enterprise Agreement as raised in our members’ Log of Claims.
UTS’s unfortunate pursuit of a single enterprise agreement for both Professional and Academic staff has been wrought with difficulties and delayed the settlement of an agreement for Professional Staff.
The CPSU NSW team met on campus on 7 October 2022 to answer your questions and update members and prospective members on the progression of the Professional Staff enterprise agreement.
Our Industrial Officers want to meet and hear about your issues and concerns at work and encourage anyone to join the CPSU NSW.
Further CPSU NSW meet and greet events are being planned across UTS.
A key member of the bargaining team, Rosa Bow, is leaving on extended leave before retirement in 2023.
The CPSU NSW UTS Branch is very grateful for Rosa’s hard work over her many years involved on the branch committee and bargaining teams. We wish her the very best for next phase in her life’s journey.
Members may have received an email from the NTEU outlining its intent to have a three-hour stop work meeting on the morning of Wednesday 19 October 2022. Please note that CPSU NSW will not be participating in this action. Only NTEU members can take this protected action. The CPSU NSW bargaining position acknowledges the rights of bargaining parties to take protected action, however we believe that protected action at this stage in bargaining is counter productive and does not serve the best interests of professional staff at UTS.
The CPSU NSW is always encouraging members to come on board as workplace delegates to further advance the rights of employees.
Join the fight with a strong, dedicated team committed to representing Professional Staff interests across UTS.
If you are interested in being a delegate or would like more information about the role, you can email or and put Delegate in the subject line, or call the CPSU NSW.