The results of the PAB are officially in: almost all members who were eligible to vote cast a vote in favor of the PAB and taking protected industrial action. This means that, as soon as the Fair Work Commission issues an Order to this effect, we will be able to start taking action in our fight for a decent pay increase and better conditions.
The Fair Work Commission will review the results and subsequently issue an Order. As soon as this happens, the CPSU NSW will provide Serco the required notice for the types of protected industrial action that we intend on immediately taking.
The union will be on site next week to hold member meetings and to discuss what will be happening over the next 30 days. It is a requirement of the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) that we must use as many types of action on the ballot within the first 30 days, otherwise we lose our right to use those particular actions after the first 30 days has elapsed. What this means is that the next month will involve hitting Serco as hard and as often as we can to ensure that we can then continue to keep fighting after the first 30 days has passed.
The union will communicate regularly with members via email and text, so it is imperative that you keep an eye on your personal emails and your texts. We will also be sending out industrial action calendars each week, so you know what is happening on any given day. As soon as the Fair Work Commission issues the Order, we will let members know.
In the meantime, stay strong, look out for each other, and remember that the only effective answer to organised greed is organised labor.
For further information, contact the National Team at the CPSU NSW on 1300 772 679.
United We Bargain, Divided We Beg.