Your employer recently announced major workplace change and restructuring to its operations in the Macquarie University Library. Consultation meetings have commenced with an extensive timeline outlined below.
The CPSU NSW has a new Industrial Officer at Macquarie University. Michael Cope has joined our team and encourages any member to reach out at any time about any workplace matter, including those CPSU NSW members who may be affected by the library restructure. Michael can be contacted at or 0419 927 076.
On 18 August 2022 Macquarie University released its Library Workplace Change Proposal document with a Library Services Position Description Matrix.
Later that day the university hosted a webinar to explain the extensive changes proposed to the structures of the Academic Library Services, Resources and Discovery Services and Operations and Governance.
The Workplace Change Document outlines several roles the university proposes to dis-establish, with a process for filling in new and vacant positions. Overall, the university is proposing a reduction of 4.7 roles across the restructure.
An Expression of Interest process is being proposed by the university that would see priority consideration given to current employees in the proposed dis-established positions. Those in identified dis-established positions will be greater affected by the changes.
The Consultation Period is as follows:
The CPSU NSW strongly encourages any members who have concerns about their position as per the Position Description Matrix to reach out to their union and seek advice and assistance.
Yours in union,
Michael Cope and Jeremy Cullis
Community and Public Sector Union (NSW Branch)