On Wednesday 27 July 2022, Serco sent an email to all CCOs advising that the access period for the Enterprise Agreement (EA) had commenced. This means that employees have seven days to review the EA and all associated documentation prior to casting a vote in relation to the EA. The vote itself will commence on 4 August 2022.
The CPSU NSW was on site on Wednesday morning to seek feedback from members regarding Serco’s offer. However, Serco didn’t bother waiting for the union to give this feedback. The EA was sent to employees at 3:17pm – five hours before the CPSU NSW provided feedback to Serco advising that union members were almost unanimously opposed to Serco’s offer.
As CCOs are aware, Serco has tabled an EA not worth the paper that it is written on. The offer includes:
Announced this week, the cost of living has increased by 6.1 per cent over the last 12 months, and the National Minimum Wage increased this year by 5.2 per cent. That Serco thinks offering a measly 2.5 per cent to workers whose jobs are both taxing and dangerous is offensive and should be rejected by the union membership at CLA.
Again, the vote for the EA is set to commence on 4 August 2022, and it appears as though this will be conducted via an online link. The CPSU NSW is strongly recommending that all members vote this offer down by voting NO. If the EA gets voted down, as it should, then the union will be in a position to force Serco back to the bargaining table in order to fight for a better offer than that which has been tabled.
As per discussions held with members this earlier this week, it is in the best interests of everyone to vote this EA down as quickly as possible, so make sure you vote as soon as you receive the link (or as soon as you can). Now is a good time to make sure that you are a member of the union. You can join the CPSU NSW online HERE
If you have any questions regarding the above or would like to talk to the union about what happens after the EA is voted down, reach out to our local delegate or send an email to or