
Monday, 2 May 2022

Unions NSW meeting in the Hunter

With the federal election in full swing, Unions NSW is giving workers in the Hunter a chance to hear candidates outline their vision and plans for the community.

We know that:

  • Everything is going up except for wages
  • Despite a skills shortage, TAFE funding has been slashed
  • Health services and aged care are in crisis and need proper resourcing

The Hunter deserves good, well-paying secure jobs and properly funded services!

So don’t miss this opportunity to join with union activists and supporters to have your voices heard by the candidates on the issues that matter most to you and your community.

Time: 6:00pm
Date: Thursday 5 May 2022
Where: Charlestown Leagues Club, 8 Bula St, Charlestown, 2280

While the event is free, it is essential to RSVP to guarantee your spot.

We hope you can make it!