
Thursday, 24 March 2022

Delegates: it’s time for a REAL pay rise

PSA/CPSU NSW members work hard to protect the people of NSW, 24 hours a day, seven days a week; let alone in these extraordinary times. You truly are the Champions of the State. You do not deserve a pay cut you deserve a REAL pay rise.

The Association is campaigning hard to scrap the State Government’s wages cap, which limits our members to pay increases of no more than 2.5 per cent, meaning your real purchasing power will go backwards.

With inflation heading through the roof, limiting pay rises to 2.5 per cent means wages for Public Sector workers who have worked through bushfire, pandemic and flood for the people of NSW have declined. Even worse: members received a paltry 0.3 per cent salary increase in 2020 after the Government attempted to freeze Public Sector wages.

PSA/CPSU NSW members deserve better. The Public Sector needs a REAL pay rise.

The union has already contacted the Premier demanding he scrap the cap and give our members pay increases of at least 3.6 per cent, with any superannuation increases paid on top of that. In addition, we will be seeking payment of superannuation on the unpaid portion of the first 12 months of parental leave.

We are still waiting on his reply.

Delegates’ meeting

The PSA/CPSU NSW has surveyed members, who have overwhelmingly supported our demands for a REAL pay rise of a minimum of 3.6 per cent. We need you, the Delegates of the PSA/CPSU NSW, to join the campaign to ensure our Champions of the State get a REAL pay rise.

There will be a state wide delegates meeting via Zoom, to hear more about our plans and what we can do to get our Champions a REAL pay rise.

Time 12:00pm
Date 31 March 2022