
Monday, 14 March 2022

Your conditions of employment remain unchanged

When disability workers transferred from Ageing Disability and Home Care (ADHC) their conditions of employment transferred across. These are known as the Copied State Awards, that is the Crown Employees (Public Service Conditions of Employment) Reviewed Award 2009 and the Crown Employees Ageing, Disability and Home Care – Department of Human Services NSW (Community Living Award) 2015

Depending on your provider the nominated date for expiry of the copied state is due this year or next, depending on when staff transferred from ADHC.

It is important for members to know that your provider can not unilaterally change your conditions of employment. However, if an attempt is made to do so, there are a number of avenues the CPSU NSW can pursue.

Should you receive any formal advice that your employer is changing your conditions, you should contact the union.

As far as the CPSU NSW is concerned, the conditions for transferred staff remain the same and continue as they have for the last five years.

If you require any further information or assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact your union.

Remember, your union is here for you.