Your CPSU NSW team will be meeting with Mercer at the first quarter Joint Consultative Committee (JCC) on 3 February at 3.00pm. We will be discussing the following issues:
We are holding a Zoom meeting before the JCC for members to have input and give us feedback on issues they would like raised. If you have a question ahead of the meeting you can email: and put Mercer CPSU NSW Members Meeting in the subject line.
We are also seeking members to come on board and be part of the team as a delegate. If you are interested in being a delegate or would like more information about the role you can email and put Delegate in the subject line.
Wednesday February 2 2022 – 12.00pm to 12.45pm
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 818 9511 6559
Passcode: 191213
Your CPSU NSW Team
Shane Elliott- CPSU NSW/PSA PIC Team
Bart McKenzie –CPSU NSW/PSA PIC Team