
Friday, 10 December 2021

In defence of ICAC

The PSA/CPSU NSW recognises the value and importance of ICAC and our members who work there. If there is ever an agency that is inappropriately maligned, it is ICAC.

ICAC’s principal functions are:

  • to investigate and expose corrupt conduct in the NSW public sector
  • to actively prevent corruption through advice and assistance
  • to educate the NSW community and public sector about its effects.

So basically it is there to protect the public from corruption among the officials who govern this state. We refer to ICAC as one of the integrity agencies; the agencies which keep those in powerful roles honest.

It is very galling when those in power, including those at the highest levels of Federal Government, think they can criticise the agency. They actually they have a responsibility to respect ICAC or at the very least keep their mouths shut.

ICAC is both independent and accountable. It is not subject to the directions of the Government. Nor should it be.

ICAC’s powers are under the Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988. It is accountable to the Parliamentary Committee on the Independent Commission Against Corruption and the Inspector of the Independent Commission against Corruption.

It is not accountable to the Prime Minister of this country, the Premier of this state or shock jocks.

It is one of the vital safeguards protecting us.

The PSA/CPSU NSW supports and thanks ICAC.  We further support ICAC being funded properly to keep doing what it’s doing and we support our members employed there.

If there is ever a group that epitomises the phrase “keeping the bastards honest” it is ICAC.