Since August 2020, the CPSU NSW has been attempting to enterprise bargain with your employer, Aware Super, to improve your pay and conditions. An Enterprise Agreement determines/establishes the conditions of employment including salary, leave, redundancies and annual increases. The progress of these negotiations has been stymied by an argument at the first instance about which of you should fall within the Agreement’s coverage and who should be excluded, with your employer attempting to adopt the narrowest application possible.
If you are a member, the CPSU NSW is your voice through the enterprise bargaining process and we believe it is time to update you on progress and lay out a plan for the months ahead. Therefore we are holding an online meeting to outline this.
If you are not a member, we would also appreciate an opportunity to explain what we do, how we do it and who we are.
You work for an industry superannuation fund – established and ostensibly part-managed by the union movement.
We share the same members, and should share the same values, those of equity, fairness and unity.
There is never a more important time to join the collective voice of your union and work together to protect and improve your conditions of employment.
After hours and days of mediation between the parties, we have finally reached an agreed position about who is in the new agreement and who is out.
Now it is time for us to determine in consultation with our membership what terms and conditions of your employment we should seek to be retained or improved.
It has been a long road to this point, arguably longer than it needed to be due to your employer’s approach. But we can now turn our minds to the real issues at hand – ensuring you have a collective agreement that provides you with security, remunerates you competitively and treats you fairly.
All Aware Super employees are invited to a CPSU NSW info and bargaining update on Wednesday 15 December at 10.00am.
Register ONLINE
United we bargain, divided we beg.
Contact the CPSU NSW 1300 772 679
Yours in union,
Troy Wright
Branch Assistant Secretary