
Friday, 26 November 2021

Bargaining paused and CPSU NSW UTS Branch AGM results

The last bargaining meeting of the year was held on 24 November 2021, where at the request of UTS, the parties agreed to pause bargaining until February 2022.

The university stated that this pause will allow the UTS the opportunity to reassess the current position in light of further changes to the external environment and on the union proposals received to date with the view to developing a package that will be provided to the union representatives late in January and prior to the next meeting. This package will be accompanied by an explanation of the underlying assumptions that address principles of job security, the workplace culture that UTS wants reflected in the package as well as how it will ensure financial sustainability and the achievement of the UTS strategy.

The CPSU NSW will notify members and seek their feedback when this package is provided.

AGM results

The CPSU NSW UTS Branch held its Annual General Meeting on 25 November 2021 to elect a new Branch Committee. At this meeting long-standing President, Rosa Bow advised she would not be recontesting the role she took on in 2011. During her time as President she has assisted countless members and has been at the bargaining table arguing for improved pay and conditions. The CPSU NSW would like to thank Rosa for her time, dedication and commitment to representing CPSU NSW members.

The following were elected to the CPSU NSW UTS Branch Committee:

Andreas Dalman

Vice President
Mark Christopher

Greg Hampshire

Assistant Secretary
Thomas Dobson

Women’s Officer
Fleur Sargent

WHS Officer
Michael Soo

Delegates to Higher Education Representative Council
Andreas Dalman and Greg Hampshire

Membership Registrar
Andreas Dalman

Branch Delegates

Rosa Bow
Rashid Osman

Congratulations to all !!

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