As you may already be aware, enterprise bargaining has commenced. This means your Enterprise Agreement, which contains your conditions of employment, is up for renegotiation. Your CPSU NSW bargaining team is fighting tirelessly to preserve and build upon our world-class conditions and will periodically update you on what’s going on in bargaining meetings.
So far we have had productive discussions with the university, although no agreement has currently been reached.
Our top priorities remain:
The next meeting will be held in Melbourne on 22 November, where we will discuss flexible work arrangements and everything that falls under that umbrella. In the meantime, we will receive a budget briefing from the university on Friday 19 November. Watch this space.
Lesley Adukonu CPSU NSW Delegate
Richard Faulkner CPSU NSW Delegate
Lisa Nelson CPSU NSW Industrial Officer
Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions, either by email to or by calling our Member Support Centre on 1300 772 679.