
Friday, 20 August 2021

Back to square one

As most of you would be aware by now, the CPSU NSW was advised late last week by the Australian Electoral Commission of the result of the PABO vote.

There were two requirements for industrial action to be approved – firstly more than half of those eligible to vote must do so, and secondly more than half of those who vote must vote in favour.

Whilst there was overwhelming support from those who voted in favour of industrial action, we failed at the first threshold test, with only 63 of a possible 141 being returned in the mail. Put simply, not enough people participated.

We cannot take industrial action in support of your enterprise agreement claims as a result.

Some members have voiced their dissatisfaction with the ballot being a postal rather than electronic one. These are the rules set by the AEC, not the CPSU NSW.

Other members have reported they did not receive voting papers. Unfortunately many of those that notified us or the AEC of a change of address and the need for replacement papers did so too late for them to be returned.

The CPSU NSW is negotiating with Serco about when enterprise bargaining will resume. Unfortunately with employees (rightly) rejecting Serco’s first inadequate offer, and now with no right to take authorized industrial action to support your claims, we are likely to be at somewhat of a stalemate.

We are deeply disappointed in this result, but will continue to strive to achieve a set of working conditions and pay that is fair for the work you perform.

The CPSU NSW would like to thank those members that took the time to participate in the ballot.